
I started Imported Cuisine because I love world culture, but more importantly — because I love food. While I’m in college working toward my eventual goal of becoming a teacher abroad, I like to occupy my time surfing the internet and making frequent trips to my local World Market. Both have afforded me the opportunity to buy commercially imported foods or import them myself from places like Ghana, Thailand, China and Japan to name a few. I rarely come across a food I don’t like, in fact I’ve been known to eat just about anything. My Achilles’ heel, ironically, is a simple childhood staple that most people seem crazy about — peanut butter. The mere thought of eating it turns my stomach juices up to full boil. Unfortunately for me, it seems people here in the United States are absolutely determined to include it in just about every confection they make. Peanut butter cookies, peanut butter chocolate crackers, peanut butter oatmeal delights — I’ve even heard tell of fried peanut butter balls, for Galactus sake.

My other hobbies include botany, writing, music, animation — and other stuff you don’t care about. As astute English fans may note, I’m quite fond of the em dash  — so expect to see it quite often.

To answer your question, this is exactly what I look like.


2 thoughts on “About

  1. I say give pbutter a chance!!! make it into a new learning experience… you may learn that you LOVE it or … that you really do,in fact, hate it.. and then write a blog about it!

    • I’d sooner eat casu marzu, which were it not for the health concerns associated with larvae attempting to bore through my intestines, I’d probably try.

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